
Introduce our products



Immunostim - Выпущенный недавно на французский рынок медицинским концерном URGO, этот БАД сразу стал бестселлером. В основе успеха - принцип восстановления микрофлоры кишечника для укрепления иммунитета. В составе препарата -пробиотики и ферменты (3 штамма, 5 млрд колониеобразующих единиц), фруктоолигосахариды (750 мг) и витамин С (15% дневной нормы).

  • Патентованная формула.
  • Упаковка - 30 капсул: достаточно для 3-х месячного курса.
  • Прием - 10 дней подряд за месяц.
  • Дневное потребление - 1 капсула
  • Цена - 250 лари
Dead Sea Mud

Dead Sea Mud

Dead Sea Mud is full of benefits,

- cosmetic: hydrates and firms the skin, enhances skin elasticity, reduces the pores, diminishes fine lines and wrinkles;

- therapeutical: soothes itchiness and inflammation, cures skin dryness, acne, eczema and psoriasis, and helps to reduce joint and muscles pain.

DSM contains 26 minerals, including magnesium, calcium, bromine, iodine, zinc. It is very effective to use at home for face & body masks and applications.

  • Volume - 500 ml
  • Price - 70 GEL
Viroferrin Day & Night

Viroferrin Day & Night

VIROFERRIN DAY is a Lactoferrin based dietary supplement* manufactured by the German company Deutsche Immunologics. It is used to
prevent viral bacterial diseases, as well as to speed up recovery from them. It was proven to be an effective recovery treatment from SARS-COV-2. Quercetin, also an ingredient of the supplement, helps fight inflammation, activate the immune system, fight allergies and protect the heart; Vitamin D and Zinc enhance the protective properties of the product. The product is fully certified.

  • Packaging - 60 capsules
  • Daily intake - 1 capsule
  • Price - 270 GEL

VIROFERRIN NIGHT - additionally contains melatonin, the "sleep hormone", lacking in the body during the illness.

  • Packaging - 60 capsules
  • Daily intake - 1 capsule
  • Price - 270 GEL

* Lactoferrin is a special iron-based protein found in animal and human organisms in the form of secretory fluids: colostrum, milk, saliva, tears, nasal secretions, blood serum, leukocytes. The protein is unique for its complex effect on the immune system, has antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties, activates the synthesis of DNA proteins to regenerate and build new cells. It also regulates the the iron ions in the blood. Since it is a "natural antibiotic", harmful microorganisms do not develop habituation nor resistance to the substance. Lactoferrin is a key factor in the natural immunity of mammals..